Danish Aller Healthy Koi Feed


Co.'s profile(Chinese)爱乐品牌起源于一千多年前的丹麦爱乐磨坊,爱乐水产是一家丹麦独资的家族企业,总部位于丹麦,大型饲料研发中心位于德国,在德国、丹麦、中国等七个国家有大型饲料生产中心,产品出口七十多个国家。

Co.'s profile(English)The Aller brand originated from the Danish Aller Mill more than a thousand years ago. Aller Aqua is a family enterprise wholly owned by Denmark,with large feed production centers in Germany, Denmark, China and other seven countries.

Exhibit Profile

Booth No.9.3 L05

Logo (Chinese name):爱乐         Logo (English name):ALLER