The final scores and ranking of CIPS International Aquascaping Contest (CIAC) 2024

Date: 2024-08-28 Compiler:

CIAC 2024 Ranking

Below are the final scores and ranking of CIAC 2024!

From the pre-selected top 100 entries for aquascaping group, 6 works in total were disqualified for not matching the CIAC 2024 rules.

We are happy to announce that we received a total of 802 entries from 25 countries! After a few challenging years this feels like a great comeback and CFAA and CIPS are looking forward to further develop, improve and innovate CIAC in the future!

 Aquascaping Group Ranking

Vivarium Group & Paludarium Group Rankings

The following are some outstanding works

Aquascaping Group

Vivarium Group

Paludarium Group