报名表Entry Form
CIPS launches its Global Ornamental Fish Championship on CIPS 2016 to create the top ornamental fish competition in the world.
1、基本信息 (*为必填信息) Basic Information (* required)
Please provide the following basic information, which will be needed for customizing awards & certificate.
姓名* Name: |
国别 Nationality: |
公司/俱乐部 Company: |
饲养地区 Farming Area: |
手机* Cell: |
E-mail*: |
QQ: |
微信Wechat: |
通讯地址 Mailing Address: |
留言:请补充您需要对方知道的任何信息 Any additional information |
2、参赛鱼只信息 Fish Information
组别 Classification |
标准 Standard |
数量 Quantity |
参赛鱼尺寸 Fish Size |
珍珠罗汉鱼A类 Pearly Category APearly Category A Pearly Category A Pearly Category A Pearly Category A Pearly Category A Pearly Category A Pearly Category A |
17.8cm及以上 Large: 17.8cm and above |
珍珠罗汉鱼B类 Pearly Category B |
10cm-17.6cm Medium: 10cm-17.6cm |
无斑纹珍珠罗汉A类 Pearly Free Marking Category A |
17.8cm及以上 Large: 17.8cm and above |
无斑纹珍珠罗汉B类 Pearly Free Marking Category B |
10cm-17.6cm Medium: 10cm-17.6cm |
现代金花A类 Kamfa Modern Category A |
17.8cm及以上 Large: 17.8cm and above |
现代金花B类 Kamfa Modern Category B |
10cm-17.6cm Medium: 10cm-17.6cm |
鱼只图片或视频,请发送至工作人员微信或邮箱:Please send pictures & video through email/wechat to our staff |
留言 Additional message:
3、奖项设置 Prizes:
全场总冠军一名;各组别的冠、亚、季军各一名。5000元、奖杯、证书3000元、奖杯、证书2000元、奖杯、证书1000元、奖杯、证书<span style="font-family:" "="">
Grand Champion: ¥ 5000 Cash + Trophy + Certificate
Classification Champion: ¥ 3000 Cash + Trophy+ Certificate
Classification Second Winner: ¥ 2000 Cash + Trophy+ Certificate
Classification Third Winner: ¥ 1000 Cash + Trophy+ Certificate
All the shortlisted participants will be awarded Certificate.
Organizers: Chinese Fisheries Association; China Great Wall International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Co-Organizer: Qilin Media
时间:2016年11月10日- 2016年11月13日
Date: November 10 — 13, 2016.
地点:广州 中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆
Venue: China Import & Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou
5、联系方式 Contact
司香韬,010-88102228,18611586635(同微信号)QQ: 3144524849,sixt@chgie.com
Dorothy Si, +86-10-88102228,+8618611586635(same as wechat) QQ: 3144524849,sixt@chgie.com
Andy Ye, +86-10-88102348,+8613520987145(same as wechat) QQ:3230028828,yemz@chgie.com
6、报名费:200元/条,Entry Fee:¥200 per fish
Beneficiary: China Great Wall International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
A/C: 110060576012015047196
Bank Name: Bank of Communications, Beijing Branch Haidian Sub-Branch
Bank Address: 16 # SuZhou Street, Haidian, Beijing, China, Bank of Communications
Swift: commcnshbjg
7、比赛规则 Rules
Please read rules of each championship and fill in the Quantity. China Great Wall International Exhibition Co., Ltd reserves the right of final explanation.
1) 每个参赛者选送的每组参赛鱼数量不超过5尾;
2) 参赛者请于11月9日16:00之前将参赛花罗汉鱼送入赛场,须使用组委会提供的设备,如需协助发鱼,请与组委会联系;
3) 某组别参赛鱼少于5尾时,组委会有权取消该组赛事或重新分组,组委会将及时通知参赛者;
4) 参赛鱼只必须参加展示直至展览会结束。展会结束后,参赛者须在规定时间内取回参赛花罗汉鱼,逾期由组委会另行处理。
5) 报名费用不予退还。
6) 参赛鱼只如尺寸不够,错误分类,出现疾病,将被取消参赛资格。
7) 主办单位为了保障参赛鱼只的安全,将组织专业人员负责维护。主办单位将不予负责任何原因或任何其他不可预见的情况下导致参赛鱼的死亡赔偿。
8) 如导致比赛被推迟、缩短或因任何超出主办单位无法控制的原因,主办单位将不负责対参赛者直接或间接的损失。
9) 报名截止日期:2016年10月25日
1) Maximum of each classification/participant: 5 entries.
2) Competition fish should be delivered to venue area before 4:00pm. , November 9th. Participant is required to use the competition facility provided by the organizer committee. If transportation assistance is needed, please contact with us in advance.
3) On the occasion of competition fishes less than 5 entries/classification, the committee has the right to rearrange/cancel this classification.
4) The competition fish shouldn’t quit until the end of CIPS. Then participant should recollect competition fish within the allowed time. Otherwise, the committee has the right to manage the fishes.
5) Entry fee is non-refundable.
6) The competition fish will be disqualified on the following situations: not meet the required size, wrong classification, in illness.
7) In order to ensure the safety of competition fish, organizer committee will provide professional support. The organizer committee is irresponsible for any benefits of competition fish damage caused by any reason or unpredictable conditions.
8) The organizer committee is irresponsible for any loss caused by any reasons like competition cancellation, delay or any other uncontrollable factors.
9) Deadline: 5, November, 2016.
选手签名 Signature of Participants: 日期 Date:
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