Interzoo, the largest pet show in the world was held from May 8-11, 2018 at Nuremberg, Germany. A total of 1,989 vendors from 66 countries presented their innovations and trends in an overall exhibition area of more than 120,000 square meters this year, roughly 39,000 trade visitors from more than 125 countries have visited the show.
GIE (the organiser of CIPS) has been the exclusive agent of Chinese pavilion since 1998. Chinese pavilion has included 304 exhibitors with 5340 sqm displaying area, regarded as the largest country pavilion at Interzoo. Idea, Fashion, Design was the theme of Chinese pavilion this year. Exhibitors present with special booth decoration, product display and package for greater exposure.
GIE also organised a visit to fully automatic plant Dr. Alder (Germany) and Jonker (Netherlands). To maintain pet food business for years, we have learnt the importance of raw material and consistency of quality. CIPS put together import pet food area at the show this year to display genuine pet food and standarise industry quality.
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